subprocess  0.4.0
Modern subprocess library for c++
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basic_types.hpp File Reference
#include <unistd.h>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <csignal>
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struct  subprocess::SubprocessError
struct  subprocess::OSError
struct  subprocess::CommandNotFoundError
struct  subprocess::SpawnError
struct  subprocess::TimeoutExpired
struct  subprocess::CalledProcessError
struct  subprocess::CompletedProcess




typedef intptr_t subprocess::ssize_t
typedef int subprocess::PipeHandle
typedef ::pid_t subprocess::pid_t
typedef std::vector< std::string > subprocess::CommandLine
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > subprocess::EnvMap


enum  subprocess::SigNum {
  subprocess::PSIGHUP = 1, subprocess::PSIGINT = SIGINT, subprocess::PSIGQUIT = 3, subprocess::PSIGILL = SIGILL,
  subprocess::PSIGTRAP = 5, subprocess::PSIGABRT = SIGABRT, subprocess::PSIGIOT = 6, subprocess::PSIGBUS = 7,
  subprocess::PSIGFPE = SIGFPE, subprocess::PSIGKILL = 9, subprocess::PSIGUSR1 = 10, subprocess::PSIGSEGV = SIGSEGV,
  subprocess::PSIGUSR2 = 12, subprocess::PSIGPIPE = 13, subprocess::PSIGALRM = 14, subprocess::PSIGTERM = SIGTERM,
  subprocess::PSIGSTKFLT = 16, subprocess::PSIGCHLD = 17, subprocess::PSIGCONT = 18, subprocess::PSIGSTOP = 19,
  subprocess::PSIGTSTP = 20, subprocess::PSIGTTIN = 21, subprocess::PSIGTTOU = 22, subprocess::PSIGURG = 23,
  subprocess::PSIGXCPU = 24, subprocess::PSIGXFSZ = 25, subprocess::PSIGVTALRM = 26, subprocess::PSIGPROF = 27,
  subprocess::PSIGWINCH = 28, subprocess::PSIGIO = 29
enum  subprocess::PipeOption : int {
  subprocess::PipeOption::inherit, subprocess::PipeOption::cout, subprocess::PipeOption::cerr, subprocess::PipeOption::specific,
  subprocess::PipeOption::pipe, subprocess::PipeOption::close


void subprocess::details::throw_os_error (const char *function, int errno_code)


constexpr bool subprocess::kIsWin32 = false
constexpr char subprocess::kPathDelimiter = ':'
const PipeHandle subprocess::kBadPipeValue = (PipeHandle)-1
constexpr int subprocess::kStdInValue = 0
constexpr int subprocess::kStdOutValue = 1
constexpr int subprocess::kStdErrValue = 2
constexpr int subprocess::kBadReturnCode = -1000